Fearlessness and Place at the Donald Claflin Jewelry Studio at Dartmouth
It’s ironic, but it can be so hard to put into words an experience that I value so much and has penetrated so many parts of my life.
I went to the jewelry studio for the first time during my 3rd week of college. I remember going in with absolutely no experience. Before arriving at Dartmouth, I didn’t even know there was a jewelry studio or had any interest in jewelry or the arts. Entering the studio for the first time was an act of faith. I majored in Economics and took classes in almost every department, but I spent every waking moment of my free time down at the studio.
It’s where I felt the freest to express myself and get in “the zone”.
I enjoyed my experience so much that I stayed for an extra year after graduation to teach and work on my jewelry fellowship.
Initially, one of the most intimidating things was breaking out of my comfort zone and exhibiting my work for others to see. I eventually got over the fear of no one liking my work, or how it may not be good enough. But I realized that when I am surrounded by people who are excited about my work and who I can trust, I forget my own fears. The studio was my playground, a place where I could learn and play with my ideas freely.
I became more and more fearless. My work became polished every year. I applied to numerous awards and slowly started winning them thanks to the encouragement and help of Case and Jeff, respectively the instructor and director at the jewelry studio.
Once you start winning, you enter a flow state and don’t want to stop. I kept going to the studio because I felt a deep connection to my work and the place; I could work for hours on end and feel energized afterward. The studio filled me with energy– I saw my progress and it spurred me to get better and more nuanced with my work.
I was surrounded by people who cared and wanted to see me succeed in whatever I was working on. I’d get feedback right away or pointers or praise. I could ask for help if I needed and this informal education is what truly helped my work advance.
Summarizing my experience in a short post is impossible. I have gotten to where I am today thanks to all the moments which I shared at the studio with the people. Special thanks to Case, Jeff and Orin and the rest of the J-Shop fam, you know who you are.
At the end of the day it’s not about the place, but about the people I met at the studio. These moments and experiences will always be with me. Looking back, I would spend the entirety of my free time at the jewelry studio all over again.